
㆗DVD5㆙ Run Download Free




writers: Aneesh Chaganty
Genres: Thriller
Movie info: Run is a movie starring Sarah Paulson, Pat Healy, and Bradley Sawatzky. A home schooled teenager begins to suspect her mother is keeping a dark secret from her
directed by: Aneesh Chaganty
The vocals are moist on this one. Run free lyrics download. These lads are gonna be so big this year, by far the most underrated in Australia and one of the best. 1 less Democrat vote in November. Comedy scene OK tha. The crew wild run download free pc.

Bendy in nightmare run download free. This is sick af. Essential Skills Problem Solving Spatial Reasoning Perseverance Common Core Connection MP1 - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP7 - Look for and make use of structure. I'm laughing so hard imagining the boys running around behind the camera trying not to be seen when they each were doing their solo shots😂. The song just released and you already have a lyric video That's what I call wholesomeness. Goose-bump moment. An awesome example of what a great audience can bring to a song, credit to them. Keep music live.

Everytime I hear This Song, It made me Cry, So much Pain and Emotions 😢😢😢. English [ edit] Run on Wikipedia Alternative forms [ edit] rin ( dialectal) Etymology [ edit] From Middle English runnen, ronnen ( “ to run ”), alteration (due to the past participle runne, runnen, yronne) of Middle English rinnen ( “ to run ”), from Old English rinnan, iernan ( “ to run ”) and Old Norse rinna ( “ to run ”), both from Proto-Germanic *rinnaną ( “ to run ”) (compare also *rannijaną ( “ to make run ”)), from Proto-Indo-European *h₃reyH- ( “ to boil, churn ”). Cognate with Scots rin ( “ to run ”), West Frisian rinne ( “ to walk, march ”), Dutch rennen ( “ to run, race ”), German rennen ( “ to run, race ”), rinnen ( “ to flow ”), Danish rende ( “ to run ”), Swedish ränna ( “ to run ”), Icelandic renna ( “ to flow ”). Non-Germanic cognates include Albanian rend ( “ to run, run after ”). See random. Pronunciation [ edit] ( US, UK) IPA ( key): /ɹʌn/ ( Northern England) IPA ( key): /ɹʊn/ Rhymes: -ʌn Verb [ edit] a runner running (sense 1) Women running (sense 1) in a 100-meter foot race run ( third-person singular simple present runs, present participle running, simple past ran, past participle run) To move swiftly. ( intransitive) To move forward quickly upon two feet by alternately making a short jump off either foot. ( Compare walk. ) Run, Sarah, run! 1967, Sleigh, Barbara, Jessamy, 1993 edition, Sevenoaks, Kent: Bloomsbury, →ISBN, page 122: Through the open front door ran Jessamy, down the steps to where Kitto was sitting at the bottom with the pram beside him. For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:run. ( intransitive) To go at a fast pace, to move quickly. The horse ran the length of the track. I have been running all over the building looking for him. Sorry, I've got to run; my house is on fire. ( transitive) To cause to move quickly; to make move lightly. Every day I run my dog across the field and back. I'll just run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet. Run your fingers through my hair. Can you run these data through the program for me and tell me whether it gives an error? ( transitive or intransitive) To compete in a race. The horse will run the Preakness next year. I'm not ready to run a marathon. ( intransitive) Of fish, to migrate for spawning. ( intransitive, soccer) To carry a football down the field. ( transitive) To achieve or perform by running or as if by running. The horse ran a great race. ( intransitive) To flee from a danger or towards help. Whenever things get tough, she cuts and runs. When he's broke, he runs to me for money. ( figuratively, transitive) To go through without stopping, usually illegally. run a red light or stop sign; run a blockade ( transitive, juggling, colloquial) To juggle a pattern continuously, as opposed to starting and stopping quickly. ( fluids) To flow. ( intransitive, figuratively) To move or spread quickly. There's a strange story running around the neighborhood. The flu is running through my daughter's kindergarten. ( intransitive) Of a liquid, to flow. The river runs through the forest. There's blood running down your leg. ( intransitive) Of an object, to have a liquid flowing from it. Your nose is running. Why is the hose still running? My cup runneth over. ( transitive) To make a liquid flow; to make liquid flow from an object. You'll have to run the water a while before it gets hot. ( intransitive) To become liquid; to melt. (Can we date this quote by Joseph Addison and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) as wax dissolves, as ice begins to run (Can we date this quote by John Woodward (naturalist) and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) Sussex iron ores run freely in the fire. ( intransitive) To leak or spread in an undesirable fashion; to bleed (especially used of dye or paint). He discovered during washing that the red rug ran on his white sheet, staining it pink. To fuse; to shape; to mould; to cast. to run bullets (Can we date this quote by Henry Felton and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) The fairest diamonds are rough till they are polished, and the purest gold must be run and washed, and sifted in the ore. ( nautical, of a vessel) To sail before the wind, in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled. ( social) To carry out an activity. ( transitive) To control or manage, be in charge of. My uncle ran a corner store for forty years. She runs the fundraising. My parents think they run my life. He is running an expensive campaign. 1972 December 29, Richard Schickel, “Masterpieces underrated and overlooked”, in Life, volume 73, number 25, page 22: A friend of mine who runs an intellectual magazine was grousing about his movie critic, complaining that though the fellow had liked The Godfather (page 58), he had neglected to label it clearly as a masterpiece. 2013 May 11, “ What a waste ”, in The Economist, volume 407, number 8835, page 12: India is run by gerontocrats and epigones: grey hairs and groomed heirs. ( intransitive) To be a candidate in an election. I have decided to run for governor of California. We're trying to find somebody to run against him next year. ( transitive) To make run in a race or an election. He ran his best horse in the Derby. The Green Party is running twenty candidates in this election. To exert continuous activity; to proceed. to run through life; to run in a circle ( intransitive) To be presented in the media. The story will run on the 6-o'clock news. The latest Robin Williams movie is running at the Silver City theatre. Her picture ran on the front page of the newspaper. ( transitive) To print or broadcast in the media. run a story; run an ad ( transitive) To transport someone or something. Could you run me over to the store? Please run this report upstairs to director's office. ( transitive) To smuggle illegal goods. to run guns; to run rum (Can we date this quote by Jonathan Swift and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) Heavy impositions [ …] are a strong temptation of running goods. ( transitive, agriculture) To sort through a large volume of produce in quality control. Looks like we're gonna have to run the tomatoes again. To extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time. ( intransitive) To extend in space or through a range (often with a measure phrase). The border runs for 3000 miles. The leash runs along a wire. The grain of the wood runs to the right on this table. It ran in quality from excellent to substandard. ( intransitive) To extend in time, to last, to continue (usually with a measure phrase). The sale will run for ten days. The contract runs through 2008. The meeting ran late. The book runs 655 pages. The speech runs as follows: … ( transitive) To make something extend in space. I need to run this wire along the wall. ( intransitive) Of a machine, including computer programs, to be operating or working normally. My car stopped running. That computer runs twenty-four hours a day. Buses don't run here on Sunday. ( transitive) To make a machine operate. It's full. You can run the dishwasher now. Don't run the engine so fast. ( transitive) To execute or carry out a plan, procedure, or program. They ran twenty blood tests on me and they still don't know what's wrong. Our coach had us running plays for the whole practice. I will run the sample. Don't run that software unless you have permission. My computer is too old to run the new OS. To pass or go quickly in thought or conversation. to run from one subject to another Virgil, in his first Georgic, has run into a set of precepts foreign to his subject. ( copulative) To become different in a way mentioned (usually to become worse). Our supplies are running low. They frequently overspent and soon ran into debt. Have I not cause to rave and beat my breast, to rend my heart with grief and run distracted? 1968, Paul Simon, The Boxer (song) I was no more than a boy / In the company of strangers / In the quiet of the railway station / Running scared. ( transitive) To cost a large amount of money. Buying a new laptop will run you a thousand dollars. Laptops run about a thousand dollars apiece. ( intransitive) Of stitches or stitched clothing, to unravel. My stocking is running. To pursue in thought; to carry in contemplation. (Can we date this quote by Robert South and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) to run the world back to its first original (Can we date this quote by Arthur Collier and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) I would gladly understand the formation of a soul, and run it up to its punctum saliens. To cause to enter; to thrust. to run a sword into or through the body; to run a nail into one's foot (Can we date this quote by Sir Walter Scott and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) You run your head into the lion's mouth. (Can we date this quote by Charles Dickens and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) having run his fingers through his hair There was also hairdressing: hairdressing, too, really was hairdressing in those times — no running a comb through it and that was that. It was curled, frizzed, waved, put in curlers overnight, waved with hot tongs;   [ …]. To drive or force; to cause, or permit, to be driven. Bible, Acts xxvii. 41 They ran the ship aground. (Can we date this quote by John Ray and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) A talkative person runs himself upon great inconveniences by blabbing out his own or other's secrets. (Can we date this quote by John Locke and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) Others, accustomed to retired speculations, run natural philosophy into metaphysical notions. To cause to be drawn; to mark out; to indicate; to determine. to run a line To encounter or incur (a danger or risk). to run the risk of losing one's life (Can we date this quote by Francis Bacon and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) He runneth two dangers. To put at hazard; to venture; to risk. (Can we date this quote by Edward_Hyde, _1st_Earl_of_Clarendon and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) He would himself be in the Highlands to receive them, and run his fortune with them. To tease with sarcasms and ridicule. To sew (a seam) by passing the needle through material in a continuous line, generally taking a series of stitches on the needle at the same time. To control or have precedence in a card game. Every three or four hands he would run the table. To be in form thus, as a combination of words. (Can we date this quote by Robert Sanderson (theologian) and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) The king's ordinary style runneth, "Our sovereign lord the king. " 1922, Ben Travers, chapter 5, in A Cuckoo in the Nest: The departure was not unduly prolonged. In the road Mr. Love and the driver favoured the company with a brief chanty running: “Got it? —No, I ain't, 'old on, —Got it? Got it? —No, 'old on sir. ” ( archaic) To be popularly known; to be generally received. (Can we date this quote by Sir William Temple, 1st Baronet and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) Men gave them their own names, by which they run a great while in Rome. (Can we date this quote by Richard Knolles and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) Neither was he ignorant what report ran of himself. To have growth or development. Boys and girls run up rapidly. (Can we date this quote by John Mortimer and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) if the richness of the ground cause turnips to run to leaves To tend, as to an effect or consequence; to incline. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds. Temperate climates run into moderate governments. To have a legal course; to be attached; to continue in force, effect, or operation; to follow; to go in company. Certain covenants run with the land. (Can we date this quote by Sir Josiah Child and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) Customs run only upon our goods imported or exported, and that but once for all; whereas interest runs as well upon our ships as goods, and must be yearly paid. To encounter or suffer (a particular, usually bad, fate or misfortune). 1748, Samuel Richardson, Clarissa, I. 8: Don't let me run the fate of all who show indulgence to your sex […]. ( golf) To strike (the ball) in such a way as to cause it to run along the ground, as when approaching a hole. ( video games, rare) To speedrun. Synonyms [ edit] The terms below need to be checked and allocated to the definitions (senses) of the headword above. Each term should appear in the sense for which it is appropriate. Use the templates {{ syn |en|... }} or {{ ant |en|... }} to add them to the appropriate sense(s). extend go lead hunt hunt down hurry pass track down travel speed Hyponyms [ edit] re-run run across run after run aground run along run amok run amuck run around run away run by run down run for the hills run in run into run of the mill run off run on run out run over run through run to run up run up against Idioms: run a bath run a fever run a risk run a temperature run an errand run circles around run for the roses run high run hot and cold run hot run in the family run into the ground run low run out of steam run rampant run scared run someone off their feet run the gamut run the gauntlet run the show up and running Derived terms [ edit] [ edit] Translations [ edit] to move quickly on two feet Abkhaz: please add this translation if you can Albanian: vrapoj   (sq) American Sign Language: S@SideChesthigh-S@SideChesthigh CirclesMidline-CirclesMidline Arabic: رَكَضَ ‎   (ar) ( rakaḍa), جَرَى ‎   (ar) ( jarā) Egyptian Arabic: جري ‎ ( gerī) Hijazi Arabic: جري ‎ ( jirī) Moroccan Arabic: جْرى ‎ ( jra) Armenian: վազել   (hy) ( vazel) Aromanian: fug, alag Assamese: দৌৰা ( doura) Asturian: correr Avar: please add this translation if you can Azerbaijani: yüyürmək Bashkir: йүгереү ( yügerew) Basque: korrika egin   (eu), lasterka egin   (eu) Belarusian: бе́гаць   impf ( bjéhacʹ), пабе́гаць   pf ( pabjéhacʹ) ( abstract), бе́гчы   impf ( bjéhčy) ( concrete), пабе́гчы   pf ( pabjéhčy) Bengali: দৌড়ান ( dôuṛan) Breton: redek   (br) Bulgarian: бя́гам   (bg)   impf ( bjágam) ( abstract), ти́чам   (bg)   impf ( tíčam) Burmese: ပြေး   (my) ( pre:) Catalan: córrer   (ca) Chechen: please add this translation if you can Chinese: Cantonese: 走 ( zau 2), 跑 ( paau 2) Dungan: по ( po) Hakka: 走 ( chéu) Mandarin: 跑   (zh) ( pǎo), 奔跑   (zh) ( bēnpǎo) Min Nan: 走   (zh-min-nan) ( cháu) Chuvash: чуп ( čup) Crimean Tatar: çapmaq, ( northern dialect) cuvurmaq Czech: běhat   (cs)   impf ( abstract), běžet   (cs)   impf ( concrete) Dalmatian: cuar Danish: løbe   (da) Dutch: rennen   (nl), lopen   (nl) Esperanto: kuri   (eo) Estonian: jooksma   (et) Ewe: ƒu du Faroese: renna Finnish: juosta   (fi) French: courir   (fr) Friulian: cori Galician: correr   (gl) Georgian: სირბილი ( sirbili) German: rennen   (de), laufen   (de) Alemannic German: lauffe Greek: τρέχω   (el) ( trécho) Ancient: τρέχω ( trékhō) Gujarati: દોડવું ( doḍvũ) Hebrew: רָץ ‎   (he) ( rats) Hindi: दौड़ना   (hi) ( dauṛnā) Hungarian: fut   (hu) Icelandic: hlaupa   (is) Ido: kurar   (io), hastar   (io) Indonesian: lari   (id), berlari   (id), menjalankan   (id) Irish: rith Italian: correre   (it) Japanese: 走る   (ja) ( はしる, hashiru) Kannada: ಓಡು   (kn) ( ōḍu) Kazakh: жүгіру   (kk) ( jügirw) Khmer: រត់   (km) ( rŭət) Korean: 달리다   (ko) ( dallida), 뛰다   (ko) ( ttwida) Kurdish: Kurmanji: bezîn   (ku), revîn   (ku), bazdan   (ku) Sorani: ڕاکردن ‎   (ku) ( rakirdin) Kyrgyz: жүгүрүү   (ky) ( cügürüü) Lao: ແລ່ນ ( lǣn) Latgalian: skrīt Latin: currō   (la) Latvian: skriet Lithuanian: bėgti   (lt) Luxembourgish: lafen, rennen Macedonian: т́рча   impf ( t́rča), истрча   pf ( istrča) Malay: berlari, lari   (ms) Malayalam: ഓടുക   (ml) ( ōṭuka) Maltese: ġera Manx: roie Maori: oma Mongolian: гүйх   (mn) ( güjh) North Frisian: ( Föhr-Amrum) luup, laap ( Sylt) Northern Altai: чӱгӱрер ( čügürer) Northern Ohlone: othemhimah Norwegian: løpe   (no), springe   (no) Novial: kurse Occitan: córrer   (oc) Old Church Slavonic: Cyrillic: бѣгати   impf ( běgati) ( abstract), бѣжати   impf ( běžati) ( concrete) Glagolitic: ⰱⱑⰳⰰⱅⰹ   impf ( běgati) ( abstract), ⰱⱑⰶⰰⱅⰹ   impf ( běžati) ( concrete) Old East Slavic: бѣгати   impf ( běgati) ( abstract), бѣжати   impf ( běžati) ( concrete) Ossetian: please add this translation if you can Pashto: الاکول ‎ ( alākawə́l) Persian: دویدن ‎   (fa) ( davidan) Polabian: bezǝt   impf ( concrete) Polish: biegać   (pl)   impf ( abstract), biec   (pl)   impf ( concrete) Portuguese: correr   (pt) Quechua: qurriy Romanian: a alerga   (ro), a fugi   (ro) Romansch: currer, cuorer, curer, curir, correr, cuorrer Russian: бе́гать   (ru)   impf ( bégatʹ), побе́гать   (ru)   pf ( pobégatʹ) ( abstract), бежа́ть   (ru)   impf ( bežátʹ), побежа́ть   (ru)   pf ( pobežátʹ) ( concrete) Sardinian: cúrrere, curri, cúrriri Scots: rin Scottish Gaelic: ruith Serbo-Croatian: Cyrillic: трчати   impf Roman: trčati   (sh)   impf Sicilian: cùrriri   (scn) Sinhalese: දුවනවා ( duvanavā) Slovak: behať   impf ( abstract), bežať   impf ( concrete) Slovene: teči   (sl)   impf Slovincian: bjìe̯găc   impf ( abstract) Sorbian: Lower Sorbian: běgaś   impf ( abstract), běžaś   impf ( concrete) Upper Sorbian: běhać   impf ( abstract), běžeć   impf ( concrete) Southern Altai: јӱгӱрӱ ( ǰügürü) Spanish: correr   (es) Swahili: kukimbia Swedish: springa   (sv) Tagalog: tumakbo Tajik: давидан   (tg) ( davidan) Tamil: ஓடு   (ta) ( ōṭu) Tatar: йөгерергә   (tt) ( yögerergä) Telugu: పరుగెత్తు   (te) ( parugettu) Thai: วิ่ง   (th) ( wîng) Turkish: koşmak   (tr) Turkmen: çapmak Tuvan: маңнаар ( maŋnaar), чүгүрер ( čügürär) Ukrainian: бі́гати   (uk)   impf ( bíhaty) ( abstract), бі́гти   (uk)   impf ( bíhty) ( concrete) Urdu: دوڑنا ‎ ( dauṛnā) Uyghur: يۈگۈرمەك ‎ ( yügürmek) Uzbek: yugurmoq   (uz) Venetian: córar, córer, córare, corer   (vec) Vietnamese: chạy   (vi) Walloon: cori   (wa) Waray-Waray: dalagan Welsh: rhedeg   (cy) Westrobothnian: kuut, spriint, löup, föött, spraang Yagnobi: давак Yiddish: לויפֿן ‎ ( loyfn) to move or spread quickly to flow Bulgarian: тека́   (bg) ( teká) Catalan: fluir   (ca), escolar-se   (ca) Mandarin: 流   (zh) ( liú) Czech: téct   (cs), téci   (cs) Danish: løbe   (da), ( about tears, poetic) trille, rulle Finnish: virrata   (fi), juosta   (fi) French: s'écouler   (fr), couler   (fr) German: fließen   (de) Greek: τρέχω   (el) ( trécho), ρέω   (el) ( réo), κυλώ   (el) ( kyló) Italian: fluire   (it) Kazakh: Arabic: اعۋ ‎ Korean: 흐르다   (ko) ( heureuda) Macedonian: тече ( teče) Malay: mengalir Manx: sheel Polish: cieknąć   (pl) Portuguese: correr   (pt), manar   (pt), fluir   (pt) Russian: течь   (ru)   impf ( tečʹ), Serbo-Croatian: proticati   (sh), strujati Lower Sorbian: běžaś   impf Spanish: fluir   (es), afluir   (es), correr   (es) Swedish: rinna   (sv) Tuvan: агар ( agar) Vietnamese: chảy   (vi) to have a liquid flowing from to extend in space or through a range to sail a boat with the wind coming from behind to extend in time, to last, to continue to make something extend in space of a machine, to be operating normally to make a machine operate to execute or carry out a plan, procedure or program to be a candidate in an election to make run in a race or an election to leak, spread or bleed in an undesirable fashion to become different, usually worse to go through without stopping to transport someone or something to smuggle illegal goods — see smuggle to cost a large amount of money of fish, to migrate for spawning to flee away from a danger or towards help agriculture: to sort through to control or have precedence in a card game juggling: to juggle a pattern continuously Noun [ edit] diagram of stairs, showing the run Stockings with a run (line of stitches that has come undone) in them run ( plural runs) Act or instance of running, of moving rapidly using the feet. I just got back from my morning run. 2012 June 9, Owen Phillips, “Euro 2012: Netherlands 0-1 Denmark”, in BBC Sport ‎ [1]: Krohn-Dehli took advantage of a lucky bounce of the ball after a battling run on the left flank by Simon Poulsen, dummied two defenders and shot low through goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg's legs after 24 minutes. Act or instance of hurrying (to or from a place) ( not necessarily by foot); dash or errand, trip. 1759, N. Tindal, The Continuation of Mr Rapin's History of England, volume 21 (continuation volume 9), page 92: [ …] and on the 18th of January this squadron put to sea. The first place of rendezvous was the boy of port St. Julian, upon the coast of Patagonia, and all accidents were provided against with admirable foresight. Their run to port St. Julian was dangerous [ …] I need to make a run to the store. A pleasure trip. Let's go for a run in the car. (Can we date this quote by Charles Dickens and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ), Martin Chuzzlewit And I think of giving her a run in London for a change. Flight, instance or period of fleeing. 2006, Tsirk Susej, The Demonic Bible, →ISBN, page 41: During his run from the police, he claimed to have a metaphysical experience which can only be described as “having passed through an abyss. ” Migration ( of fish). A group of fish that migrate, or ascend a river for the purpose of spawning. ( skiing, bobsledding) A single trip down a hill, as in skiing and bobsledding. A (regular) trip or route. The bus on the Cherry Street run is always crowded. The route taken while running or skiing. Which run did you do today? The distance sailed by a ship. a good run; a run of fifty miles 1977, Star Wars (film) You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. A voyage. a run to China An enclosure for an animal; a track or path along which something can travel. He set up a rabbit run. ( Australia, New Zealand) Rural landholding for farming, usually for running sheep, and operated by a runholder. State of being current; currency; popularity. (Can we date this quote by Addison and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) It is impossible for detached papers to have a general run, or long continuance, if not diversified with humour. A continuous period (of time) marked by a trend; a period marked by a continuing trend. I’m having a run of bad luck. He went to Las Vegas and spent all his money over a three-day run. (Can we date this quote by Burke and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) They who made their arrangements in the first run of misadventure [ …] put a seal on their calamities. 2011 June 28, Piers Newbery, “Wimbledon 2011: Sabine Lisicki beats Marion Bartoli”, in BBC Sport ‎ [2]: German wildcard Sabine Lisicki conquered her nerves to defeat France's Marion Bartoli and take her amazing Wimbledon run into the semi-finals. A series of tries in a game that were successful. ( card games) A sequence of cards in a suit in a card game. ( music) A rapid passage in music, especially along a scale. A trial. The data got lost, so I'll have to perform another run of the experiment. A flow of liquid; a leak. The constant run of water from the faucet annoys me. a run of must in wine-making the first run of sap in a maple orchard ( chiefly eastern Midland US, especially Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia) A small creek or part thereof. ( Compare Southern US branch and New York and New England brook. ) The military campaign near that creek was known as "The battle of Bull Run ". A production quantity (such as in a factory). Yesterday we did a run of 12, 000 units. The book’s initial press run will be 5, 000 copies. The period of showing of a play, film, TV series, etc. The run of the show lasted two weeks, and we sold out every night. It is the last week of our French cinema run. (Can we date this quote by Macaulay and provide title, author's full name, and other details? ) A canting, mawkish play [ …] had an immense run. A quick pace, faster than a walk. He broke into a run. ( of horses) A fast gallop. A sudden series of demands on a bank or other financial institution, especially characterised by great withdrawals. Financial insecurity led to a run on the banks, as customers feared for the security of their savings. Any sudden large demand for something. There was a run on Christmas presents. The top of a step on a staircase, also called a tread, as opposed to the rise. The horizontal length of a set of stairs A standard or unexceptional group or category. He stood out from the usual run of applicants. ( baseball) The act of a runner making it around all the bases and over home plate; the point scored for this. ( cricket) The act of passing from one wicket to another; the point scored for this. ( American football) A gain of a (specified) distance; a running play. [ …] one of the greatest runs of all time. 2003, Jack Seibold, Spartan Sports Encyclopedia, page 592: Aaron Roberts added an insurance touchdown on a one-yard run. A line of knit stitches that have unravelled, particularly in a nylon stocking. I have a run in my stocking. ( nautical) The stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve upward and inward. ( construction) Horizontal dimension of a slope. ( mining) The horizontal distance to which a drift may be carried, either by licence of the proprietor of a mine or by the nature of the formation; also, the direction which a vein of ore or other substance takes. A pair or set of millstones. ( mathematics, computing) The execution of a program or model This morning's run of the SHIPS statistical model gave Hurricane Priscilla a 74% chance of gaining at least 30 knots of intensity in 24 hours, reconfirmed by the HMON and GFS dynamical models. ( video games) A playthrough. This was my first successful run without losing any health. ( slang) A period of extended (usually daily) drug use. 1964: Heroin by The Velvet Underground And I'll tell ya, things aren't quite the same / When I'm rushing on my run. 1975, Lloyd Y. Young, Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, Brian S. Katcher, Applied Therapeutics for Clinical Pharmacists Frank Fixwell, a 25 year-old male, has been on a heroin " run " (daily use) for the past two years. 1977, Richard P. Rettig, Manual J. Torres, Gerald R. Garrett, Manny: a criminal-addict's story, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) →ISBN I was hooked on dope, and hooked bad, during this whole period, but I was also hooked behind robbery. When you're on a heroin run, you stay loaded so long as you can score. 2001, Robin J. Harman, Handbook of Pharmacy Health Education, Pharmaceutical Press →ISBN, page 172 This can develop quite quickly (over a matter of hours) during a cocaine run or when cocaine use becomes a daily habit. 2010, Robert DuPont, The Selfish Brain: Learning from Addiction, Hazelden Publishing →ISBN, page 158 DA depletion leads to the crash that characteristically ends a cocaine run. ( golf) The movement communicated to a golf ball by running it. ( golf) The distance a ball travels after touching the ground from a stroke. ( video games, rare) An attempt at a game, especially a speedrun. Unrestricted use. Only used in have the run of. He can have the run of the house. ( horizontal part of a step): tread ( unravelling): ladder ( British) ( computing): execute, start See also Thesaurus:walk Antonyms [ edit] ( horizontal part of a step): rise, riser ( horizontal distance of a set of stairs): rise the route taken while running flow of liquid Bulgarian: тече́ние   (bg) ( tečénie), пото́к   (bg) ( potók) Finnish: virtaus   (fi) French: flot   (fr)   m, flux   (fr)   m Italian: scorrere   (it)   m, flusso   (it)   m, sgocciolamento   m, sgocciolio   m Japanese: 流れ   (ja) ( nagare) Latgalian: tekme   f, straume Latvian: tecējums, straume   f Lithuanian: srovė   f, tėkmė   f Macedonian: тек   m ( tek) Maori: rere Portuguese: escorrimento   m Romanian: flux   (ro) Russian: пото́к   (ru)   m ( potók), ток   (ru)   m ( tok), тече́ние   (ru)   n ( tečénije) Swedish: flöde   (sv)   n, ström   (sv)   c, rinnande   (sv)   n interval of distance or time a point scored in some games The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations. Translations to be checked See also [ edit] ( computer science): trajectory Adjective [ edit] run ( not comparable) In a liquid state; melted or molten. Put some run butter on the vegetables. 1921, L. W. Ferris, H. Redfield and W. R. North, The Volatile Acids and the Volatile Oxidizable Substances of Cream and Experimental Butter, in the Journal of Dairy Science, volume 4 (1921), page 522: Samples of the regular run butter were sealed in 1 pound tins and sent to Washington, where the butter was scored and examined. Cast in a mould. 1735, Thomas Frankz, A tour through France, Flanders, and Germany: in a letter to Robert Savil, page 18: [ …] the Sides are generally made of Holland's Tiles, or Plates of run Iron, ornamented variously as Fancy dictates, [ …] 1833, The Cabinet Cyclopaedia: A treatise on the progressive improvement and present state of the Manufactures in Metal, volume 2, Iron and Steel (printed in London), page 314: Vast quantities are cast in sand moulds, with that kind of run steel which is so largely used in the production of common table-knives and forks. c. 1839, (Richard of Raindale, The Plan of my House vindicated, quoted by) T. T. B. in the Dwelling of Richard of Raindale, King of the Moors, published in The Mirror, number 966, 7 September 1839, page 153: For making tea I have a kettle, Besides a pan made of run metal; An old arm-chair, in which I sit well — The back is round. Exhausted; depleted ( especially with "down" or "out"). ( of a zoology) Travelled, migrated; having made a migration or a spawning run. 1889, Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell, Fishing: Salmon and Trout, fifth edition, page 185: The temperature of the water is consequently much higher than in either England or Scotland, and many newly run salmon will be found in early spring in the upper waters of Irish rivers where obstructions exist. 1986, Arthur Oglesby, Fly fishing for salmon and sea trout, page 15: It may be very much a metallic appearance as opposed to the silver freshness of a recently run salmon. 2005, Rod Sutterby, Malcolm Greenhalgh, Atlantic Salmon: An Illustrated Natural History, page 86: Thus, on almost any day of the year, a fresh- run salmon may be caught legally somewhere in the British Isles. Smuggled. run brandy run past participle of rin Anagrams [ edit] Nur, URN, nur, urn Dutch [ edit] first-person singular present indicative of runnen imperative of runnen Gothic [ edit] Romanization [ edit] Romanization of 𐍂𐌿𐌽 Mandarin [ edit] Nonstandard spelling of rún. Nonstandard spelling of rùn. Usage notes [ edit] English transcriptions of Mandarin speech often fail to distinguish between the critical tonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without the appropriate indication of tone. Norman [ edit] (This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. ) run   m ( plural runs) ( nautical) beam ( of a ship) Old English [ edit] From Proto-Germanic *rūnō. Cognate with the Old Saxon rūna, Old High German rūna ( German Raun), Old Norse rún, and Gothic 𐍂𐌿𐌽𐌰 ( runa). IPA ( key): /ruːn/ rūn   f mystery, secret rūne healdan to keep a secret advice rune, letter writing Declension [ edit] Declension of run  (strong ō-stem) ġerȳne Descendants [ edit] Middle English: roun Scots: rune, roun, round English: roun, round dierne ( adjective) Polish [ edit] IPA ( key): /run/ run   n genitive plural of runo run   f genitive plural of runa Further reading [ edit] run in Polish dictionaries at PWN Vietnamese [ edit] From Proto-Vietic *-ruːn. ( Hà Nội) IPA ( key): [zun˧˧] ( Huế) IPA ( key): [ʐun˧˧] ( Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA ( key): [ɹʊwŋ͡m˧˧] run • ( 惇, 慵, 敦, 𢹈) to tremble, to shiver (due to cold) rung ( “ to shake ”).

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To save this word, you'll need to log in. ˈrən ran ˈran also chiefly dialectal run; run; running intransitive verb 1 a: to go faster than a walk specifically: to go steadily by springing steps so that both feet leave the ground for an instant in each step b of a horse: to move at a fast gallop d: to utilize a running play on offense — used of a football team 2 a: to go without restraint: move freely about at will let chickens run loose b: to keep company: consort a ram running with ewes ran with a wild crowd when he was young c: to sail before the wind in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled d: roam, rove running about with no overcoat 3 a: to go rapidly or hurriedly: hasten run and fetch the doctor b: to go in urgency or distress: resort runs to mother at every little difficulty c: to make a quick, easy, or casual trip or visit ran over to borrow some sugar 4 a: to contend in a race b: to enter into an election contest will run for mayor 5 a: to move on or as if on wheels: glide file drawers running on ball bearings b: to roll forward rapidly or freely c: to pass or slide freely a rope runs through the pulley d: to ravel lengthwise stockings guaranteed not to run 6: to sing or play a musical passage quickly run up the scale 7 a: to go back and forth: ply the train runs between New York and Washington b of fish: to migrate or move in considerable numbers especially: to move up or down a river to spawn 8 a: turn, rotate a swiftly running grindstone b: function, operate the engine runs on gasoline software that runs on her computer 9 a (1): to continue in force, operation, or production the contract has two more years to run the play ran for six months (2): to have a specified duration, extent, or length the manuscript runs nearly 500 pages b: to accompany as a valid obligation or right a right-of-way that runs with the land c: to continue to accrue or become payable interest on the loan runs from July 1 10: to pass from one state to another run into debt 11 a: to flow rapidly or under pressure d: to discharge liquid (such as pus or serum) a running sore 12 a: to develop rapidly in some specific direction especially: to throw out an elongated shoot of growth b: to tend to produce or develop a specified quality or feature they run to big noses in that family 13 a: to lie in or take a certain direction the boundary line runs east b: to lie or extend in relation to something c: to go back: reach d (1): to be in a certain form or expression the letter runs as follows (2): to be in a certain order of succession 14 a: to occur persistently musical talent runs in the family b (1): to remain of a specified size, amount, character, or quality profits were running high (2): to have or maintain a relative position or condition (as in a race) ran third running late c: to exist or occur in a continuous range of variation shades run from white to dark gray 15 a: to spread or pass quickly from point to point chills ran up her spine b: to be current: circulate speculation ran rife transitive verb 1 a: to cause (an animal) to go rapidly: ride or drive fast b: to bring to a specified condition by or as if by running ran himself to death c: to go in pursuit of: hunt, chase dogs that run deer d: to follow the trail of backward: trace ran the rumor to its source e: to enter, register, or enroll as a contestant in a race f: to put forward as a candidate for office g: to carry (the football) on a running play 2 a: to drive (livestock) especially to a grazing place b: to provide pasturage for (livestock) c: to keep or maintain (livestock) on or as if on pasturage 3 a (1): to pass over or traverse with speed (2): to run on or over in athletic competition runs the bases well run the floor b: to accomplish or perform by or as if by running ran a great race run errands c: to slip or go through or past run a blockade run a red light d: to travel on in a boat run the rapids 4 a: to cause to penetrate or enter: thrust ran a splinter into her toe c: to cause to pass: lead run a wire in from the antenna d: to cause to collide ran his head into a post 5: to cause to pass lightly or quickly over, along, or into something ran her eye down the list 6 a: to cause or allow (a vehicle or a vessel) to go in a specified manner or direction ran the car off the road c: to direct the business or activities of: manage, conduct run a factory d: to employ or supervise in espionage run an agent 7 a: to be full of or drenched with streets ran blood 8 a: to cause to move or flow in a specified way or into a specified position run cards into a file b: to cause to produce a flow (as of water) run the faucet also: to prepare by running a faucet run a hot bath 9 a: to melt and cast in a mold run bullets b: treat, process, refine run oil in a still run a problem through a computer 10: to make oneself liable to: incur ran the risk of discovery 11: to mark out: draw run a contour line on a map 12 a: to permit (charges) to accumulate before settling run a tab at the bar — often used with up ran up a large phone bill 13 a: to produce by or as if by printing — usually used with off ran off 10, 000 copies of the first edition b: to carry in a printed medium: print every newspaper ran the story 14 a: to make (a series of counts) without a miss run 19 in an inning in billiards b: to lead winning cards of (a suit) successively c: to alter by addition ran his record to six wins and four losses 15: to make (a golf ball) roll forward after alighting 16 baseball: to eject (a player, coach, or manager) from a game Ron Luciano ran Weaver early in game one of a doubleheader in 1975, and then ran him again during the lineup meeting prior to the start of game two. — Jeff Burd run across: to meet with or discover by chance run a fever or run a temperature run after 1: pursue, chase especially: to seek the company of 2: to take up with: follow run after new theories run against 1: to meet suddenly or unexpectedly 2: to work or take effect unfavorably to: disfavor, oppose run a tight ship: to have strict and exacting standards in controlling or managing something (such as a business) run by or run past: to present to (as for evaluation) ran some ideas by her run circles around or run rings around: to show marked superiority over: defeat decisively or overwhelmingly run dry 1: to use up an available supply 2: to become exhausted or spent his inspiration had run dry run interference: to provide assistance by or as if by clearing a path through obstructions ran interference for me with the press run into 1 a: to change or transform into: become b: to merge with c: to mount up to their yearly income often runs into six figures 2 a: to collide with b: to meet by chance ran into an old classmate the other day run low on: to approach running out of running low on options run one's mouth: to talk excessively or foolishly run riot 1: to act wildly or without restraint 2: to occur in profusion daffodils running riot run short run short of run the numbers: to perform calculations run the table 1: to sink all remaining shots without missing in pool 2: to win all remaining contests run to: to mount up to the book runs to 500 pages run upon: to run across: meet with run with 1: to use or exploit fully: make the most of took the idea and ran with it 2: to publicize widely the press ran with the quote 1 a: an act or the action of running: continued rapid movement b: a quickened gallop c: a migration of fish (as up or down a river) especially to spawn also: such fish in the process of migration d: a running race a mile run e: a score made in baseball by a runner reaching home plate safely f: strength or ability to run g: a gain of a usually specified distance made on a running play in football scored on a 25-yard run also: a running play h: a sustained usually aggressive effort (as to win or obtain something) making a run at the championship b: something that flows in the course of an operation or during a particular time the first run of sap in sugar maples 3 a: the stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve or slope upward and inward b: the direction in which a vein of ore lies c: a direction of secondary or minor cleavage: grain the run of a mass of granite d: a horizontal distance (such as that covered by a flight of steps) e: general tendency or direction 4: a continuous period or series especially of things of identical or similar sort a run of bad luck: such as a: a rapid passage up or down a scale in vocal or instrumental music b: a number of rapid small dance steps executed in even tempo c: the act of making successively a number of successful shots or strokes also: the score thus made a run of 20 in billiards d: an unbroken course of performances or showings a long run on Broadway e: a set of consecutive measurements, readings, or observations f: persistent and heavy demands from depositors, creditors, or customers a run on a bank 5: the quantity of work turned out in a continuous operation a press run of 10, 000 copies 6: the usual or normal kind, character, type, or group the average run of students 7 a: the distance covered in a period of continuous traveling or sailing b: a course or trip especially if mapped out and traveled with regularity c: a news reporter's regular territory: beat d: freedom of movement in or access to a place or area has the run of the house 8 a: the period during which a machine or plant is in continuous operation b: the use of machinery for a single set of processing procedures a computer run 9 a: a way, track, or path frequented by animals b: an enclosure for domestic animals where they may feed or exercise c Australia (1): a large area of land used for grazing a sheep run d: an inclined passageway 10 a: an inclined course (as for skiing or bobsledding) b: a support (such as a track, pipe, or trough) on which something runs 11 a: a ravel in a knitted fabric (as in hosiery) caused by the breaking of stitches b: a paint defect caused by excessive flow 12 runs plural in form but singular or plural in construction: diarrhea — used with the on the run 1: in haste: without pausing ate lunch on the run 2: in retreat: in flight (as from the law) an escaped convict on the run run for one's money: a serious challenge to one's supremacy is expected to give the incumbent a good run for his money 1 a: being in a melted state run butter b: made from molten material: cast in a mold run metal 2 of fish: having made a migration or spawning run a fresh run salmon 3: exhausted or winded from running.

YouTube. If this flash game doesn't work, go here for help. Instructions Use the arrow keys to either run or skate through the 3 dimensional course. If the game seems to be too fast, hit pause (or press p) and move your mouse over the quality settings. Click the FPS box and change the number to 99. It sure makes those jumps easier! This game requires enormous concentration and memorization! Coolmath Top Picks Checkmate! Play the classic game of strategy. You can challenge the computer, a friend, or join a match against another online player. Hop in your hot air balloon and prepare for adventure! Solve a whole new quest on every island.! Bounce the candy at the perfect time to get through the moving obstacles. Ever played the classic game Snake? Slither around and eat the apples to grow your snake as long as possible. But don't hit the wall, or eat your own tail! Activate the power bounce! Can you find a way over the spikes and past the guards to jump into Basket? Swing your way through each challenging course without hitting anything. How many tries will it take you? Take a deep breath and get your finger ready! Can you pass the ultimate one-button challenge? You've got a limited number of slices to cut the wood into the correct number of pieces. Be precise when you slice! Hop in your helicopter and join this strategic multiplayer game. Specialize your copter, build a base, and conquer the map! Hey you, stop! And you, drive!  you're going to crash! Take control of the roads to keep traffic moving. One mistake might cause a 10-car pileup.

  1. About The Author Xandre Strydom


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